Frequently Asked Questions

No, but we accept Health Saving Accounts (HSA) and Flex Spending Accounts (FSA) accounts. Insurance may be used for conventional lab tests.


Appointments are charged by the hour. 

We now see children of all ages.

$350 for initial visits which are up to 2 hours, follow-up visits are $145 for 45 minutes. Pricing goes by the hour and $175 is the hourly rate.

The first visit was a fact-finding mission trying to determine the root cause of the problem. The follow-up visit is where recommendations and plans for healing are discussed, along with labs and physical if necessary. See link below for costs of appointments.

No, but putting a card on file is necessary to make an appointment. The card on file is not charged as long as payment is made on the day of the visit, if changes to the day and time of appointment are made within 24 hours prior to the visit in order to not get charged for that time slot.

See link below for cancellation and financial policy.

Cancelation and Financials

Telemedicine is a method used to communicate remotely by a secured video/audio software on the computer, tablet or phone.

For more information 

We offer telemedicine for all appointments, except for therapies that your presence is required in person.

Yes, We offer a free initial 15 minute consultation before your initial visit to see if you and the doctor are a good fit. Feel free to call the office to set up an appointment. 

We have a wellness plan that offers you the ability to pay overtime for your visits. You get 6 hours of FaceTime with your doctors over the course of a year, $188 down and $62 a month for 11 months. You can stop the program at any time as long as you pay upfront for the hours used. The plan is not automatically renewed. It is renewed at the patient's request. The plan does not include labs, therapies or other services performed by other practitioners not outlined in the wellness program.

We have multiple locations. The Main office is located at: 

3015 North Ocean Blvd, STE 126

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308

We have 3 locations listed on the website, FL, GA, SC.

  • Detoxification

  • Infrared Sauna

  • Colon Hydrotherapy

  • Constitutional Hydrotherapy

  • Cancer Therapies

  • Nutrition

  • IV Therapy

  • Alternative Pain Therapies


Cancer Care

IV Therapy

Clinical Nutrition

Detoxification / Cleansing Clinically

Weight Loss / Weight Gain Clinical Level

Botanical Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine


Lifestyle Coaching

Hyperbaric Oxygen



Hormone Balancing

and More!

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