IV Therapy

At Pacific Naturopathic, we offer IV infusion treatments and injectable vitamins that are filled with electrolytes, vitamins, essential fluids and more to help you achieve optimal results and improve your health and wellness.
High dose Vitamin C
Vitamin C (also called L-ascorbic acid or ascorbate) is a nutrient that humans must get from food or dietary supplements, since it cannot be made in the body. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and helps prevent oxidative stress. It also works with enzymes to play a key role in making collagen.
Vitamin C deficiency in the diet can cause weakness, lethargy, easy bruising, and bleeding. When taken by intravenous (IV) infusion, vitamin C can reach much higher levels in the blood than when it is taken by mouth. High Dose vitamin C can help slow the spread of cancer and other chronic diseases.
Immunity Drip
Keep your immune system strong through the ups and downs. Whether to fight a cold, or for preventive wellness, this is the most effective way.
Ingredients: 1 liter of Hydration fluid, vitamin B Complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6), vitamin C, Magnesium, Zinc
Myers Cocktail
Developed by Dr. Myers in the 1960s, the Myers’ Cocktail is a treatment option for fatigue, upper respiratory infections, acute asthma attacks, chronic sinusitis, seasonal allergies, migraines, and other disorders. This is considered the “GOLD STANDARD” for common illnesses.
Ingredients: 1 liter of Normal Saline, High doses of vitamin C (7,000mg), Calcium, Magnesium, B-Complex, Thiamine (B1), Pyridoxine (B6), Dexpanthenol (B5), zinc.
High Dose Glutathione Infusion
What is glutathione? Why should I put this in my body? Glutathione is the pinnacle antioxidant in the body! Glutathione stops the breakdown of cells, allowing you to remain healthy. Glutathione helps prevent chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, etc. This acts as a protection layer for your lungs and a great respiratory booster.
B-12 Shot
Have you been diagnosed with a Vitamin B12 Deficiency? Do you know someone who has? Did you know that an estimated 50% of the population has this deficiency? Basically, our GI tracts are not able to absorb the full benefits of Vitamin B12 so we in turn don’t get enough in our body's causing a slow metabolism later causing medical issues like diabetes, we develop a lack of sleep and appetite, and our mood shifts. Up your body's absorption of B12 through an injection today to gain a healthier lifestyle.
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